Success stories

(Boney Bindra)

Jack Ma: from wandering to one office from another to being manhandled in his own company by the government to being the wealthiest man in China, Jack Ma is indeed a self-made man.

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Jack if had anything, it was the knowledge of English language and a firm sense of business networking.

Jack was almost on his knees when his idea of selling things online was rejected vividly by nearly all the investors in the US.

People dismissed his business model and thought he was dreaming too big too soon, but a dream is just as big as a person is.

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He though managed to gain the confidence of two important companies Goldman Sachs and SoftBank in investing a sum of $25 million in Alibaba.

He was locking horns with eBay in 2003, managed to bag an investment of 1 billion dollars from Yahoo in 2005 and was the wealthiest man in China by 2013.

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The year 2013 saw Ma stepping down from his post of CEO of Alibaba. In the year 2014 Alibaba went IPO and earned just over $150 billion in the process, genius Jack made a lot of money in this year too.

Jack Ma is currently working as executive chairman of Alibaba, which had the market cap of $486 Billion in the year 2017.

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Alibaba has more than 550 million active monthly users and all thanks to this man who knew English and was good in business marketing, Jack Ma.

Henry Ford: will always be the man whom the great, Thomas Edison rejected the idea but who still managed to achieve success himself.

Ford was just 13 when he reassembled a gifted pocket watch and might have thought, “Well, okay I can do something.”

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Henry left his farm work to be a machinist at a shipbuilding firm and later learned how to service and operate service steam engines.

Ford made his first gasoline-powered buggy, and assembled the first model car in 1896 which he presented to Thomas Edison, which needed “improvement”.

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The car genius, patented carburettor in 1898 and a year later, thanks to some very skilled business networking, Ford left Edison’s company and started his car business.

After making some crappy cars here and there, Henry began to Ford Motor Company in 1903, which was the beginning of something special in the world of cars.

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Mister Ford introduced affordable vehicles in America with the introduction of Model T cars.

It was his firm hold on the professional network by which Ford managed to get over a loan of $58,000,000 during the business depression in 1921, which also saw him handing finances of the company to a bank.

His recovery from such a great loan in such hard times reminds us how important the professional marketing is for a business to survive.

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An ordinary farm boy from Michigan, USA, when died in 1947 worth something around 200 billion dollars in today’s currency.

Ralph Lauren: is the icon of rags to riches stories.

The remarkable designer was the talk of his school for his dressing sense but was often teased as for his original Jewish surname, ‘Lifshitz’.Image result for Ralph Lauren

After studying Business for two years, Ralph went to serve in the army and then managed sales at Brooks Brothers.

Afterwards, he started working for Beau Brummell, where he designed new trendy neckties with a wider cut which were later sold at Blooming Dales under the brand name of Polo.

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Lauren after tasting the honey never returned to candies. Lauren was a shrewd operator of professional marketing.

He right a few wrongs and took a loan of $30,000 in 1967.  By the end of 1970, Lauren was awarded by Coty award, launched a brand and started to design for movies.

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He managed to spread his brand’s name thanks to huge professional and personal network.

Polo is an international brand at the moment, and there are thousands of outlets of it all around the globe.

On the other hand, Lauren is a living legend of the fashion industry is almost worshipped by many as a demigod of menswear.

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It is estimated that polo has earned him more than 6 billion dollars. Ralph’s current net worth is estimated near 7.2 billion dollars by Forbes.