Next to a bag overflowing with US dollars, sprawled on a red carpet, Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-un with a pistol in his hand looks down to the dead body of US President Donald Trump.

The scene is the part of South Korean artist Lim Young-sun installation art exhibition in Seoul entitled “The show must go on!”

Featuring two of the world’s biggest showmen, 59-year-old Lim says, “I just wanted to demonstrate our political reality we live in, In which citizens get anxious, tense and happy watching their every action as if they are watching a movie.”

Getting into details, the show portraits Trump and Kim as friends, who are fighting over money. Eventually, Kim frustrated by the high-interest charges demanded by Trump shoots the lender to death.

With mixed responses, the exhibition drew thousands of visitors.

Lim Young-sun said,” Some people angrily to my face told me ‘artists like you are posing a threat to our ties with the US and national security,’ but apparently not so Trump fans, some said that the piece gave them relief.”

Also, a symbol for international politics driven by capitalism and money, the installation will be showcased in abroad next year.