Due to climate change, there is a threat to the earth. Understanding its seriousness, England’s school children decided to strike for environmental protection. In fact, these children are worried that adequate steps are being taken to tackle climate change. These are the agitations against it.
Actually, a Swedish school girl named Greta Thalberg performed alone for a month on this issue outside her country’s parliament. Impressed by this, England’s school students are also adopting this method.
40 young people are expected to strike for climate protection. More than 70,000 thousand school children in 270 cities are participating in this strike.
The 14-year-old schoolgirl of England’s Bristol city, Joe Bonnet, is also participating in the strike. For this, he has written a letter to the Principal of his school, in which he has clarified the reason for taking this step. Who has written, ‘Thousands of youth should keep in mind the crisis and concern of climate change ‘Thousands of youth are staging a crisis keeping in mind the crisis and anxiety of climate change. I am also one of them and I am combining a strike in Bristol. There are fewer efforts to deal with such situations as we are facing. The climate crisis should be at the top of the agenda of everyone, especially because of the government, because it is the biggest threat to humans. “Who said,” In a report last year, it was said that due to the adverse effects of climate change, Year away. After this, hunger, drought, excessive temperature, poverty Will have to face. Looking at these circumstances, we need this step. ”
Demand for climate emergency
The student Jo Bonet said, ‘I like to come to school. With this, my future is connected. But, to spread awareness on this issue, it is necessary to tell why I am leaving for two or three days. Most striking people are demanding these things from the government. “Those who said that the government should declare climate emergency and the protection of soil should be brought in priority. The government understands that the ideas of youth are crucial in formulating policies. Age of voting should be reduced to 16 years.