The British exploited the weakness of people of India to consolidate their power in India. To unite the people, Satguru Ram Singh Ji started the Kuka Movement. The date of 12th April 1872 is usually known as the official day when the movement was born, though in real essence the foundations of the movement were being laid down by Satguru Ram Singh Ji a few years before.
जिन बच्चों की दुख तकलीफ मॉडर्न मां नहीं दूर करती, क्या होता है उनके साथ! || Dr Vijata Arya ||
The open permission for slaughter of cows in the Punjab given by the British was resented bitterly by large number of people. Desecration of The Golden Temple and other Gurudwaras had already led to the sacrifice of Namdhari Sikhs in 1871– hanged without trial in Amristar, Ludhiana & Raikot. These instances ignited new realizations in the people of the Punjab ie freedom was not going to come cheaply. The British were alarmed and saw the Kuka movement as a pillar which could end their rule.
अगर आपके नाखून भी होने लगे हैं खराब तो हो जाएं सावधान || Dr. Joginder Tyger ||
In Malerkota, an incident of a minor nature occurred in which Gurmukh Singh Namdhari requested a vegetable seller to show mercy on an Ox which was suffering at its owners orders. The ensuing verbal confrontation between the two led Gurmukh Singh to the court for punishment. The judge, instead of pacifying the excited feelings, ordered that the Ox be slaughtered before the eyes of Gurmukh Singh. The next day Gurmukh Singh went to Sri Bhaini Sahib and narrated the whole story. Revenge was high on the mind of the Sikhs and Satguru Ram Singh Ji said “If you can hold your emotions for a year more, I will achieve, without the help of weapons, the object for which you are drawing out your swords.”
यहां लिखी गई थी शहादत की अनूठी दास्तां हर साल लाखों श्रद्धालु होते हैं नतमस्तक
The Sikhs could not control themselves and on 13th Jan 1872, about 150 Namdhari Sikhs under the leadership of Sant Hira Singh and Lehna Singh proceeded to Kotla to avenge the wrong done by a fanatic judge. Fighting took place between the Sikhs and Malerkotla officials and many lives were lost. The Namdhari Sikhs voluntarily surrendered themselves to the authorities.
Meanwhile The Deputy Commissioner of Ludhiana, The infamous Mr Cowan rushed to the scene and took over charge from the minor ruler of Malerkotla. Cowan ordered that the Namdhari Sikhs be brought before him and ordered that they be blown to bits. On 17th January, 49 Namdhari Sikhs were blown away with cannon guns. Next day on 18th January a further 16 Namdhari Sikhs were blown to their deaths.
On the death role was 12 yrs old Master Bishan Singh. Cowen’s wife begged him to show mercy on the little child. Cowen agreed but on a condition that Bishen Singh had to denounce that he was a sikh . On hearing this Bishen Singh grabbed hold of Cowen’s beard and did not let go till he was chopped to bits. Bishen Singh was the 50th shaheed on 17th January.
-N Gill/ Agency