Chandigarh: After the Model Code of Conduct came into force in the state for Punjab Vidhan Sabha elections, various enforcement teams have seized valuables worth Rs 74.90 crores in violation of code till January 22, 2022. Giving details in this regard, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Punjab Dr S Karuna Raju today said that the surveillance teams have seized 11.38 lakh litres of liquor worth Rs 3.62 crore. Similarly, the enforcement wings have also recovered psychotropic substances amounting to Rs 56.17 crores besides confiscating unaccounted cash of Rs 14.05 crore, he added.
Sanyukt Samaj Morcha : Rajewal ਦਾ ਧਮਾਕਾ! ਲਿਆ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਫੈਸਲਾ, ਸਾਰੇ ਕਰਤੇ ਹੈਰਾਨ | D5 Channel Punjabi
The Chief Electoral Officer revealed that as many as 1140 vulnerable hamlets have been identified. Besides this, 2555 persons have been identified as probable sources of trouble, he said adding that out of these persons preventive action had already been initiated against 1426 persons while the remaining would also be brought to book. He also informed that from a security point of view 287 persons have been bound down under preventive sections of CrPC act.
Breaking News : Devinder Pal Bhullar ਨੂੰ ਲੈ Parkash Singh Badal ਦਾ ਵੱਡਾ ਬਿਆਨ | D5 Channel Punjabi
He informed that as many as 2366 cases of non-bailable warrants have been executed, while execution in 173 cases is under process. As many as 9077 nakas are operational across the State, he added. As per the directions of the election commission, Dr Raju said that of total 3,90,275 licensed weapons in the state 369086 weapons have been deposited till date. Whereas, 41 without licenses weapons were seized in the state.