Pakistan has been receiving criticism after deadliest militant attack on Indian forces in Pulwama, Kashmir and has also been questioned for shielding terrorists all around the globe.
As a result, Pakistan became the target not just from India but Google too.
Google is well known for its search blunders like a search on word ‘idiot’ showed results of US President Donald Trump.
Twitter is going crazy over the search “best toilet paper in the world” which results the images of Pakistan’s national flag.
#PakistanTerroristNation #toiletpaper #PakistaniMedia when rumours are actually True pic.twitter.com/EsFBHp7070
— ABHISHEK BHARDWAJ (@ABHISHE30913111) February 18, 2019
Google search " best toilet papaer in the world " @TajinderBagga#toiletpaper #pakistan pic.twitter.com/2NKgUiMIPc
— DILIP SINGH KUMAR (@DILIPKUMAR9990) February 18, 2019
Google ranking algorithm remains surprisingly vulnerable to malicious interference #toiletpaper #SEO pic.twitter.com/BqwtDRZ7uW
— Geoffrey Chaudoir (@chaudoir) February 18, 2019
The “flag-toilet paper” felt like a virtual attack on Pakistan as the results popped up two days after the terror attack in Pulwama.
Google on the other hand explained the real reason behind the search results related to toilet paper.
“While we continue to investigate the matter, we have not found any evidence that Google Images was ranking the Pakistani flag in response to this particular search. Many news outlets wrote about an old screenshot from a meme website that is inconsistent with our UI and dates back to 2017, and we have not seen any independent verification that these results ever appeared as depicted. Since these news stories published, images from those articles are now ranking for this query, as the pages contain words relevant to the search,” said a Google spokesperson.
(Dapinder Kaur)