Patiala: On behalf of “5th Medicon-2019 Chandigarh”, former Head of Pathology, Govt. Medical College, Dr. Manjit S. Bal was conferred life Time Achievement award by Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu, Health & Family Welfare Minister. Recognizing Dr. Bal’s contributions toward medical education, research, health related Punjabi writings for common man and literary works, the organizing committee of the conference decided to confer him this award. In the presence of large number of physicians, specialists and doctors from whole of North India, the Punjab Health minister presented a Souvenir and a shawl during the inaugural function of Medicon-2019 Chandigarh, at Zirakpur. During the citation Dr. Jagjeet Singh Bahia, organizing chairperson read out the services and achievements of Dr. Bal. He told, coming from a hard working family, Dr. Bal did his MBBS and MD from GMC Amritsar and worked on various posts.
pls. see…सर्दी का असर होगा बेअसर, खाने में शामिल करें ये चीज़ें….
As a Pathologist, Dr. MS Bal has 105 scientific publications to his credit in National as well as International journals including one in Lancet journal. He produced more that 150 postgraduates who are serving in India and globally. He has also written chapters in Pathology & Forensic Pathology books. In addition to his subject, he has authored 13 books in Punjabi, Hindi and English including 2 books published by Punjabi University.
Dr. Bahia further told that, Dr. MS Bal has produced and written (story & lyrics) two feature films, their shows were organized in Toronto, Calgary, Bareilly, Patiala, Chandigarh and Amritsar. “Musarrat Sarhaddon Paar” is based on Cross Border Love story and “Jhanjar with Osteosarcoma, a Cancer Awareness film, was one of 39 Punjabi films selected at International Film Festival of India (IFFI)-2018. Dr. MS Bal has travelled abroad widely for participating in Cancer & Pathology Conferences and literary meetings to USA, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Bangla Desh, Pakistan, Dubai and Nepal.
pls. see…गुणों का ख़जाना है यह साधारण सा पौधा, इसके फूलों के फायदे सुनकर उड़ जाएंगे होश