By: Jagjot Kaur
Skipping the meals have become the problem of each and every one of us. We skip our meals for many reasons and give one and the only excuse of ‘time problem’. It is one of the most unhealthy problems in our daily life by knowing it.A study has shown that people who are missing their meals are entering into the world of fats and many kind diseases like diabetes and heart problems than the people who are not skipping the breakfast and eating on proper time.
Women today are caught up in the net of not managing the time for themselves especially the housewives who are taking care of their children and other family members
but not taking care of themselves whether they are fed or not properly but for herself she does either brunch or skip breakfast It is being said by the doctors that after waking up from bed early in the morning eat something healthy in between one hour or if one is not eating and repeating the same monotonous routine of skipping the breakfast every day than he or she will prone to many diseases in coming years. If we talk about working women they also skip breakfast due to their heavy schedule
After sleeping for eight to ten hours in the night our body needs the energy to do some work but if we are not giving fuel to our body our body feels lethargic and one may also feel drowsy at the workplace in the morning. you tend to eat much in the lunch just because you skip breakfast in the morning and slowly you increase weight and regret in the coming years because of fats in your body. It is the most important meal of the day so do not even think to skip this meal at all. Some people think that if they want to lose their weight they skip their meals and especially the breakfast which is very very wrong for our physical health as well as mental health.
‘My day begins at 5 o clock in the morning and prepares healthy breakfast for everyone in my family and time rushes fast in the morning even faster than any bullet train.I feed my children and my husband and my in-laws who are old but do not get time for myself to eat properly for myself in the morning because I have to go to my job on time so either I skip my breakfast or eat late .’ says Punjab based professor Ravinder Kaur .
Ravinder is from one of those people who skip their morning meals and suffer from this problem .Especially Indian women are the majority in this kind of chunk. Excuses such as one does not have time for cooking for their self or one does not have time to eat breakfast in the morning these excuses are often heard . But one must know the dangerous consequences of skipping the morning meal. It is lamentable that women are skipping the breakfast where she is the backbone of the family if she is well and healthy then only she can take care of her family members .A person should eat healthy breakfast which should include iron , calcium and protein.
When we skip breakfast as a result we feel lethargic , drowsy and irritated and also sometimes headache because of less glucose and energy in the body to work for the entire day. Breakfast is necessary for the concentration in the workplace . We tend to feel low and irritated
Skipping the breakfast is the invitation for the diseases like heart problems,gastites and type 2 dibetes . because of low glucose in the body and heart problems because of eating extra in lunch and and thus becoming fatty day by day.
Curd oats
- A small pinch of hing
- 1 1/2 cup of curd
- 1 tablespoon of oil
- 1/2 tablespoon mustard seeds,1/4 teaspoon jeera seeds 1 teaspoon urad daal
- 1 sprig curry leaves
- coriander leaves
- 2 tablespoons each of grated carrots and cucumbers
- 2 green chillies
- Cook the oats with plenty of water and let it cool
- add the beaten curd , salt and mix it well
- heat oil in a pan and then add the mustard and cumin seeds after 2 minutes add the urad daal and mix it firmly until they turn into golden brown
- add the curry leaves and green chillies and saute it well
- pour in the curd and mix well
- 4 de-skinned and roughly chopped bananas
- 1 1/2 cup chilled milk
- sugar[according to taste or if needed then]
- hersheys
- ice cubes
- Combine bananas,ice cubes and milk
- blend them well in mixer juicer
- garnish it with almonds and hersheys
- serve it cool
- 1/4 small bowl daliya
- 1/4 cup quick cooling rolling oats
- 1 whole unpeeled apples
- 2 tablespoons of butter
- 1 cup of milk
- 1/4 teaspoon sugar
- Heat the butter in a pressure cooker and add daliya in it
- let it be on a medium flame for three minutes
- add the oats and saute it for another two minutes
- add the milk along with the cup of water and pressure cook for 2 whistles
- add the sugar and chopped apples while the mixture is still hot let the sugar get dissolve well
- serve hot
- 2 finely chopped onions
- 3 grated carrots
- a finely chopped coriander leaves
- oil
- a salt according to taste
- dosa batter
- mix all the ingredients except dosa batter and keep it overnight
- heat up the non-stick and pour the batter into it and spread around equally in the pan
- once the wholes started appearing in the dosa put vegetables on it cover it and cook for 2 minutes
- once the corner start to come turn it and sprinkle oil on it
- after it is of golden brown remove from pan serve it with chutney
- spinach 1 bunch finely chopped
- any pulse leftover one night before
- red chilly, salt , ajwain , coriander leaves
- Mix all ingredients in wheat flour and prepare a dough
- prepare parathas on medium flame with oil
- serve hot with any vegetable or pickle or curd
This is their biggest myth that they loose weight and this is the wrong way to loose weight which can be very dangerous in the coming future.
people should be aware of healthy eating habits and eating proper meals at regular intervals . It is said that eat healthy and stay healthy free from all diseases. We ourselves are responsible for our health . Follow healthy food and also avoid eating from outside which is unhealthy and unhygenic also. eating breakfast is healthy but it does not loose your weight rather makes you ill . If you want to loose weight start eating more protein in your diet in the morning but skipping breakfast will not work for you. By taking meals in the morning also helps to maintain your hormonal balance also but when you skip it diseases will trap your body slowly and it is not easy to get rid of them so its necessary to take your breakfast on time to stay away from dangerous diseases.
- Oats
- Cheela made of besan or suji
- Omllete
- Pulse paratha
- Smoothies made of seasonal fruits like banana , mango etc
- Porridge
- milk
- eggs
- fruits like apple ,kivi , etc
- poha
- upma
- brown bread and butter
- toast