Newsdesk – Eighteen patients with rectal cancer were administered Dostarlimab as clinical trial for six months and the results are miraculous as all of them have their cancerous tumours vanish.

It is for the first time in the history of fight against the dreaded disease cancer that a drug has finally cured the patients with milignant cancer. The clinical trial is excecuted by Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre. Experts view the malignanacy  cannot be detected with physical examination , MRIs, PET scans –  Positron Emission Tomography.

The small section trial shows that Dostarlimab could be a milestone and a great ‘hope’ to cure one of the most lethal tumours. Although,  the drug needs to be given more trials on bigger section of patients.

In an information, patients who were selected and had undergone for the clinical trial had previously gone through chemotherapy , radiations and surgeries but all of these treatments have aftermaths that could cause bowel, urinary and other dysfunction.

In the first phase of the trial , the cost of drug is approximately Rs. 8.55 lakh. It seems a great hope and positive sign for the patients who fear loosing life with pain and disease called cancer as the drug has shown 100% success results.

Dr. Luis A Diaz Junior , Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in his recently published paper in New England Journal of medicine said that he was unware of any other study in which cancer was completely cured by a drug. He further said he believed that it was the first time in the history of the world that such wonderful results could be registered of complete cure of tumours in cancer patients.

According to World Health Organisation figures nearly 10 million people died due to cancer in 2020. It is evaluated that cancer death toll ratio amounted 1 out of 6 cancer patients. If the clinical trial of the drug yield maximum success rate on bigger section of cancer patients then hopefully cancer would be eradicated fully.