The social networking site Facebook is preparing the reading machine , which will help the user to read the mind. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave this information in an interview given to Howard University Professor Jonathan Zitran. Zuckerberg reported that Facebook is researching a ‘brain-computer interface’. However, he has also insisted that it will not be such a technique which everybody can use. User’s consent must be filed before using
Cap-like device
This device will not be like a virtual handset in which the eyes are hidden. This system of Facebook will be like a cap, which will capture blood pressure, brain function and his thinking. According to Zuckerberg, this will help in improving technology for the person. In his interview, Zuckerberg said that “At present, the app and their task are fixed on the basis of the way the phones or other computer systems work. He said that it does not work like our brain wants or we want to do it. This is one reason that the technique is being used to create a new technology for the best use of technology. In cases such as AR, this device will allow you to do everything as you think.
There will be some restrictions on the device
Zuckerberg said on this system that its expansion would not be over-extended because it could be a restricted device. In 2017, Zuckerberg gave $ 50 million to Chan Zuckerberg Biohb so that he could test his mind readings in the body.
Zuckerberg gave $ 50 million for mind reading technology in 2017
04 How much of the movie’s HD movie removes human brains in a minute, according to Mark Zuckerberg