Sanjay Leela Bhansali is gearing up to direct his next venture. And, it is most likely that he will be working with Deepika Padukone again for the fourth time. There was talk of Alia Bhatttepping into Bhansali territory. And both the director and the actress were very keen on the creative alliance. But then, karan Johar ,who has always carried a chip on his shoulder regarding the epic vision of Bhansali’s cinema, decided to do a costume drama Kalank , a la Bhansali, for the first time.
He naturally wanted Alia Bhatt to be part of his epic dream. Says a source close to the development, “Much as Alia would love to be a Sanjay Leela Bhansali heroine — and who wouldn’t want to work with the master creator? — her first priority is Karan Johar whom she considers a father figure. The minute Karan initiated the Kalank project, Alia abandoned all plans to work with Bhansali, at least for now.”
This is the second time things haven’t worked out between Alia Bhatt and Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Several years ago when Alia was barely 11, she was offered the role of a child bride in Bhansali’s Hamari Jaan Ho Tum. But the project never got off the ground.