Rashmi (Chandigarh) – The whole world was living freely, partying, shopping, dining out, going on vacations, working and leading a cheerful happy life till the Covid19 pandemic hit the world. The fear of getting infected by the virus was so high and with no specific cure available, lock down was the only option left with the governments to contain the pandemic. Many countries imposed lock down, some partial some complete. Economy started getting affected with no work happening. Fall in economy had to be checked and that’s when the concept of work from home came into existence. Remote working was a concept considered as a perk before Covid19. It was a handful of people who would work remotely.
आयुर्वेदिक दवाई और डाइट प्लान से फैटी लीवर घर पर ही करें ठीक || Dr. Sunil kumar ||
Now the entire workforce has to work from home. There has been a mixed reaction to this, while many employees were excited about it, some had their doubts. Working from your bedroom and getting dressed only if there was a virtual meet, has its own charm.
एलोवेरा और मेथी दाने का ऐसा फायदा नहीं सुना होगा आपने || alovera || Vrinda || Methi dana ||
Here in India, there are many young and single youth who shift to metros to earn a living. This section of youth packed their bags and went back to their hometowns. They saved on the house rent and were happy to have home cooked food, which is a big concern for the bachelors living alone. They were happy to reunite with their parents while elderly parents were delighted to have their children back.
एलोवेरा और मेथी दाने का ऐसा फायदा नहीं सुना होगा आपने || alovera || Vrinda || Methi dana ||
While working from home saved a lot of commuting time, it also helped retaining the energy level which was otherwise spent in long distance travel from home to office and back. This gave positive results in performance.
सभी मानसिक रोग ठीक होते हैं ऐसे … || Dr. Vijata Arya || depression ||
Many of the employees who get uncomfortable with the boss standing behind their back with a critical eye could work in a more relaxed state of mind from their home.
Hip Bath से होता है फैटी लीवर ठीक || Dr Shikha Gupta ||
As the saying goes, every coin has two sides. Here too it’s not all as pleasant as it sounds. Working from home started showing its dark side. People started getting depressed. Working from office served as an outlet. Meeting people and chit chatting with colleagues over a coffee break was missed badly. The small office gossip would break the monotony of work pressure and lift the mood. Office romance took a back seat.
बिना दवाई मेडिटेशन से करें बीमारियां ठीक || Dr. Shikha Gupta || Meditation ||
Working from home became strenuous as the working hours increased and there was a thin line between work life and personal life. Apart from the office work, family demanded more attention. People had to help in the household chores like preparation before cooking or laying the table for meals, putting the clothes on hangers to dry or helping the children do their project work. These were added tasks which distracted employees from their office work. This took a toll on the minds of the people. They started becoming impatient and losing their cool at the drop of a hat.
लीवर की सभी बीमारियां ऐसी होंगी ठीक || Dr. Salila Tiwari ||
Many couples had to go for counseling as they could not stand each other’s presence throughout the day. There were many cases of domestic violence reported during the lock down period.
इन लोगों को ज्यादा होती है ब्लैक फंगस || Black fungus || Dr. Naveen kumar ||
Productivity level started getting affected after working from home for several months.
कांग्रेस के क्लेश में हाईकमान का फैसला होगी बड़ी कार्रवाई
Working from home has had a mixed effect on different people with different outlook. For some it was an interesting experience and would like to continue to work from home. Those who could not balance the professional and personal life together would prefer to work from office.
भूख और प्यास भी ऐसे होती है आसानी से दूर || Dr. Om Prakesh Anand ||
Authored by:
Rashmi Hajela (Chandigarh)