Chandigarh: Along with Uttar Pradesh, Punjab’s politics has also heated up over the Lakhimpur violence. In fact, Deputy Chief Minister Sukhjinder Singh Randhawa and his convoy bound for Lakhimpur were stopped at the Haryana-UP border.

कैसे इस हनुमान मंदिर के पास ट्रेनों की गति कम हो जाती है ?

All the leaders, including Sukhjinder Randhawa, staged a dharna at the border, after which the Deputy Chief Minister has been taken into custody.Let me tell you that there was a violent clash in Tikunia area of ​​Lakhimpur Kheri on Sunday in which 4 farmers were killed.

अफगानिस्तान में तालिबान राज की वापसी के बाद एक नई जंग शुरू ?

And 4 BJP workers were also killed. After the violence, the whole of UP has become a political arena.