Chandigarh, May 17:
On the occasion of ‘World Hypertension Day’, the Punjab Government has commenced the awareness drive to sensitize high risk populations about the worse affect of co-morbidities such as hypertension and Diabetes etc.
While releasing the table calendar on prevention measures regarding Non Communicable Diseases & Life Style Information, the Health Minister Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu said that the keeping in view of high Case Fatality Rate of COVID patients, Punjab Government has launched the intensive drive to sensitize rural populations about affect of hypertension, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases & Stroke etc. which has been proved fatal for patients who were affected from COVID-19 and reached hospitals at later stage.
पौराणिक मान्यताएं और वैज्ञानिक तर्क, क्यों बैठती हैं औरतें दाहिनी ओर || Dr. kabir ||
Mr. Sidhu said that the Punjab Government has already provided free diagnosis and treatment to patients who are suffering from the Non-Communicable Diseases. He said that Hypertension is the main component of NPCDCS programme and it is unfortunate that many people are not aware that they are suffering from Hypertension. Therefore it is also called a silent killer. State has India Hypertension Control Initiative (IHCI) program already running in ten Districts, and achieving good results.
COVID 19 pandemic is spreading all the State very badly and has sad outcomes in those who are suffering from Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases & Stroke, he added.
यह पांच चीजें करें बंद घुटनों का दर्द होगा खत्म || Dr. Om Prakesh Anand
Director, Health & Family Welfare Punjab, Dr. GB Singh said that on 17 May, World Hypertension Day, is celebrated by all countries to create and raised awareness in general public. Earlier health messages in form of direct letter “Chhitti” was circulated through health workers (ANMs & ASHA) in house to house activity across the State.
Dr. GB Singh said that this year, Radio/ Audio campaign with health messages for better care of health and control of COVID has been initiated. Dr Sandeep Singh, State Program officer NPCDCS Punjab said that efforts are on to supply Medicines for Hypertension and Diabetes patients at their door steps through ASHA workers.