22 MAY 2021,

It is been observed that mucormycosis is on the rise in post covid patients. Recently two 25-30 age group patient with history of covid treated by home isolation no history of taken steroid or given oxygen or did not have diabetes also suddenly developed this dreadful disease.

समुद्र के बीच किले का रहस्य वैज्ञानिकों के लिए आज भी है खोज का विषय || Murud -Janjira Fort ||

The question how and where did it come from.
Once you get a viral infection your immunity goes down
We have been wearing a mask, it may be N95 or a cotton mask, which is used multiple times. Once we wear it, due to the humidity in our breathing, it gets wet which we dont feel. Then the mask is being used for 3-5 days, a perfect atmosphere for growth of fungus, which we breathe.

दुनिया के कुछ अनसुने, अनसुलझे रहस्य ?

So all citizens whatever you have been using as a MASK please WASH IT, OR CHANGE IT, OR DRY IT IN PURE SUN LIGHT DAILY… so that no fungus grows on it.
This is my personal suggestion and observation

Dr Samir Shah
Surgerical Specialist