Ludhiana, May 26:
Sacred Heart Convent International School (SHCIS), Ludhiana affiliated to Cambridge University declares its first ever IGCSE result with a Roar Galore.
Cambridge assessment International education, popularly known as CIE is the world’s largest provider of international education programs and is considered to be the most challenging curriculum. The gold – standard of the curriculum sets a high benchmark for Achievement and Success of it’s enrolled learners.
Sister Shanti D’Souza, Principal, SHCIS, Ludhiana, stated that IGCSE is a two-year program leading to externally-set, marked and certified examinations from the University of Cambridge. It is a unique UK Government endorsed programme provided to thousands of schools around the world.
एसिड अटैक पीड़ित के दर्द को ऐसे किया किताब में ब्यान, आप भी सोचने पर हो जाओगे मजबूर
SHCIS Ludhiana witnessed a star- studded (scintillating) result on May 25, 2021. The first ever IGCSE batch of Sacred Heart Convent International School, who undertook their board exam this year, succeeded in their efforts with glory and pride.
The March Series of Cambridge University, with a schedule of over a month-long examination process assessed the Students in over 14 subjects under 5 major streams. The Examination which is an amalgamation of Objective, Subjective and Practical skill, heightening in-depth subject knowledge, is an internationally acclaimed certified assessment.
कौन सी है दुनिया की सबसे खतरनाक किताब ?
She said that the school announces with extreme pride that their students bagged 8 distinctions and 5 merits for our batch of Lucky 13. The highest number of A-star grades scored, notch up the Achievement of SHCIS Learners. From a total of 13 students who took the exam, 2 (Advit Vivek Arora and Guranurag Singh ) exalted/ scored/ pocketed a total of 6 A-stars each and an A grade, 1 ( Aditya Shangri) scored an unprecedented A-star in English, with another 5, while 3 ( Akarshan, Anish and Soham) shine bright with 5 A-stars apiece. Success rooted in a total of 45 A-stars ( distinctions) and 21 A grades( merits); grounds a whopping 100% result with a resounding success rate.
As the administration, faculty and parents enthuse over the Students’ performance and endeavour, the results proclaim the potent bedrock of Sacred Heart.