Chandigarh: On the directions of Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh, an order was issued today to withdraw covid vaccine from private hospitals with immediate effect. Health Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu said that the state government has withdrawn the directive to provide one time limited vaccine dose to private hospitals and all these vaccines would now be provided free of cost to the age group of 18 to 44 years at government vaccination centers.

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Mr. Sidhu said that as per the information given by Mr. Vikas Garg, State Incharge for Covid Vaccination, 42,000 doses were distributed to the private hospitals out of which only 600 doses were given to the people. He said that all the Civil Surgeons have been directed not to make any new allotment to any private hospital and the dose of vaccine available with the private hospitals should be withdrawn immediately.
Mr. Sidhu assured that just as the Punjab Government was committed to provide all the treatment services to the patients of covid in the government hospitals without any discrimination, the immunization of the beneficiaries would also be done free of cost. In 22, it was announced that every eligible beneficiary should be provided free vaccination and all its expenses would be borne by the state government for the welfare of the people.

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The Minister said that private hospitals would now get direct supply of vaccines from the manufacturers. He said that the amount deposited in the vaccination fund by private hospitals would be refunded soon. The Health Minister further said that as a major step in the fight against Novel Corona Virus, the Punjab Government has already announced to provide free treatment to the patients of Kovid-19 under the Sarbatt Health Insurance Scheme in the already listed private hospitals.

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In which about 39.57 lakh poor and vulnerable families of the state are provided financial risk protection. Referring to the additional charges being levied by the private hospitals, the Minister said that strict instructions have been issued to take immediate action against the private covid care centers violating the orders of the state government under the Epidemic Diseases Act and Disaster Management Act.