Chandigarh September 02:
The Punjab Government provides training to the cattle breeders for setting up of special units for pig and goat rearing business and also provides subsidy to the cattle breeders for setting up of the unit.
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While disclosing this Dr. HS Kahlon, Director, Animal Husbandry Department said that in the office of the Deputy Director (Training) Patiala five days training in pig rearing and two days training in goat rearing is conducted for the farmers. Any cattle farmer can participate in these trainings and get a certificate. On the basis of this certificate, the breeder can get a loan from a bank and get a subsidy from NABARD Bank.
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He said that in the year 2020-21 in total 33 training courses were conducted during which 337 farmers were trained. Similarly during the year 2020-21 10 animal awareness camps were organized and a total of 358 farmers were trained whereas in the year 2020-21 one new VO training was conducted in which 114 farmers were imparted training. Mr. Kahlon said that setting up of one pig rearing unit (20 females, 4 males) would cost about Rs. 8 lakhs out of which back end subsidy of up to Rs. 2 lakhs would be provided by the Punjab Government. The concerned farmer has to pay a margin money of only Rs. 80 thousands.
छोटी उम्र में किया बड़ा कमाल, देख कर आप भी रह जायेंगे दंग
Similarly setting up of goat rearing 40 + 2 (40 females, 2 males) unit costs about Rs. 1 lakh. Out of which Rs. 25,000 for General Category and Rs. 33,000 for Scheduled Caste back end subsidy is provided by the Punjab Government.
-Nav Gill