Chandigarh: Accepting the demands of the employees and pensioners of the state, the Chief Minister said. The Punjab Cabinet headed by Mr. Charanjit Singh Channi today decided to increase the DA from 11% to 28% with effect from July 1, 2021 with immediate effect from July 1, 2021.
टेंशन और डिप्रेशन दूर करने के उपाय || tension || depression ||
The Chief Minister said that the employees were the backbone of the state administration and he reiterated the firm commitment of his government to give top priority to the welfare of the employees. He said that with this decision the increased DA would impose an additional burden of Rs. 440 crore per month on the state government.
The Chief Minister Channi said that the state government has satisfactorily resolved most of the issues of the employees and as a result they have called off their strike and resumed work with immediate effect.
बच्चे की पहली दिवाली कैसे बनाएं यादगार || Diwali ||
He announced that the employees who have been recruited after January 1, 2016 will also get the benefit of at least 15 per cent increase in the revised pay like other employees. However, when fixing the revised salary, the salary of the junior employee will not be higher than that of his senior. Channy further said that the representatives of various employee unions had assured him that they would not take the path of agitation but would resolve their issues / demands through dialogue.
ऐसा युद्ध जिसने खोली भारत के हिंदूवादियों और सेक्युलरों की आंखें
With the approval of the Punjab Cabinet by converting the Ordinances into Bills for the establishment of Lamarin Tech Skill University Punjab at Railmajra, Balachaur, SBS Nagar and Plaksha University Punjab at IT City, SAS Nagar. According to a spokesperson of the Chief Minister’s Office, the Cabinet also gave nod for the approval of the bills to be introduced in the next session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha.