Chandigarh – K. Srinivas Reddy from Telengana State Union of Working Journalists is re-elected as President and Balwinder Jammu from Punjab and Chandigarh Journalists Union re-elected as Secretary General of Indian Journalists Union for the term of 2022-2024.
The President, K. Sreenivas Reddy was born in Pallepahad village of Nalgonda district. Com. Sreenivas Reddy was very active in student politics and served All India Student Federation (AISF) in different capacities. After his graduation in Hyderabad he entered the profession of journalism at an early age of 21. Sreenivas Reddy joined Visalandhra, an organ of Communist party of India (CPI) as a reporter and retired there as Editor. Sreenivas Reddy, who worked as General Secretary and President of APUWJ for long time strived for the protection of rights and welfare of journalists in the state. He worked as both Secretary- General and President of Indian Journalists Union for more than two decades. During his tenure he played a pivotal role in journalist trade union movement in the country. He served as member of Press Council of India for two terms. During this time he headed a committee on Paid news syndrome and submitted a report which had received applause from one and all. A thorough professional with ethical values he has been straddling the field of journalism for five decades. He also toured the country and abroad extensively as part of both profession and trade unionism. Sreenivas Reddy received many awards including ‘Life time achievement award’ from the government of undevided Andhra Pradesh.
After retirement from Vishalandhra Sreenivas Reddy founded ‘Mana Telangana’ Telugu daily and is presently working as Editor for ‘Jana Paksham’ telugu daily. Sreenivas Reddy played an important role in constituting the Press Academy of Andhra Pradesh and he served it as it’s first chairman. During his term he oversaw training activity involving thousands of journalists. He is the founder chairman of Media Education Foundation, India (MEFI).
The Secretary General,IJU, Balwinder Singh was born in village Gagroula in Patiala district of Punjab state. Since his college days he was very active in student politics. In the year 1977, he joined All India Students federation (AISF) and two years later become the Patiala district President of the students union.
During 1980-81 Balwinder was elected president of Multani Mal Modi College students council.
He went to Punjabi University, Patiala from where he did M.A Punjabi, M.A Education and Masters in Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC). He was elected as president AISF, Punjab State in 1985.
When AISF and AIYF launched ‘job or jail’ agitation he was arrested at Dehli boat club and sent to tihar Jail for five days.
He started his journalistic career in 1990 as sub editor in the Nawan Zamana news paper at Jullunder district headquarter. After some time he became staff correspondent for two Punjabi daily newspapers. In the year 1993 He joined the Punjabi Tribune and worked in different capacities there for 27 years and retired as principal correspondent in the same paper in May 2020.
Balwinder was founder member of punjab & Chandigarh journalists union. He was the State President of the union till May 2022. He was two times vice president, two times Sr.vice president and one time president of Chandigarh press club.
He was member of PCI for one term along with D Amar and Majid.