Mumbai: Famous Indian Singer Lata Mangeshkar was admitted to Breach Canday Hospital in Mumbai few days ago. As Lata has been hospitalized, Many people are spreading rumours about Lata’s Health. Her team issued a statement about Lata Mangeshkar’s Health.
ਕਿਸਾਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪਈ ਵੱਡੀ ਮਾਰ, ਸੰਯੁਕਤ ਸਮਾਜ ਮੋਰਚਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੜ ਸਕਦਾ ਚੋਣਾਂ?
They said that Lata Didi is showing positive sign of improvement from earlier. Apart from this, they are urging to people to not believe in the fake news regarding the singer. After her team’s statement, Smriti Irani tweets.
ਸੁਖਬੀਰ ਦਾ ਸਿਆਸੀ ਦਾਅ, ਪੱਟ ਲਏ ਕਾਂਗਰਸੀ MLA ਦੇ ਰਿਸ਼ਤੇਦਾਰ D5 Channel Punjabi
She said in her tweet that Lata Didi is responding well to treatment and good willing will return home soon. Besides this, she requested to Lata’s family to not spread rumours.
Request from Lata Didi’s family to not spread rumours. She is responding well to treatment and god willing will return home soon. Let us avoid speculation & continue to pray for Lata Didi’s speedy recovery and wellbeing.
— Smriti Z Irani (@smritiirani) January 22, 2022