SAS Nagar, June 10
COVID19 has already been declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) and emergent measures had to be taken for the containment and prevention of the spread of COVID19.
Now, in view of the constant decline in the cases in the district, certain additional activities are to be opened to balance the needs to contain and manage COVID19 while at the same time, save and secure livelihoods of people.
THEREORE ,Girish Dalayan IAS District Magistrate in exercise of powers conferred under Section 144 of Cr. PC order the following with in continuation and partial modification of pervious orders.
घुटने के दर्द में तुरंत आराम बिना पैसे खर्च किए || Dr. Ak Jain ||
Prohibited activities:
The following activities shall continue to be prohibited :
1. Schools, colleges and other educational institutions and coaching institutes Online distance learning shall continue to be permitted and shall be encouraged
ii However, all medical and nursing collages shall continue to remain open
iii All recruitment exams shall be permitted subject, however, to adherence to social distancing and other norms of COVID-appropriate behaviour.
iv All parts and training the National/International events shall be permitted subject to adherence to instructions and guidelines and by Department of Sports and Youth affairs.
v All cinema halls, gymnasiums, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres restaurants (dine-in) bars, auditorium assembly halls and similar places
इस कारण ज्यादा होती है बीमारियां, जिनसे बचने का सरल तरीका || Vrinda ||
vi. All social political entertainment, academic, cultural, religious functions and other similar gatherings-except as given under Pura IV of this order.
vi Religious congregations are strictly prohibited. All religious places shall close by 7 PM for public.
II Movement of persons:
i.Night curfew shall be in place between 7 PM to 5 AM-The movement of individuals for all the non-essential activities shall remain strictly prohibited.
ii. Day Hours between 5 AM to 7 PM- Movement shall be allowed without passes for permitted activities and essential activities like going to office and workplace. Non-essential travel shall be avoided.
कृषि कानूनों से जुड़ी बड़ी ख़बर, कृषि मंत्री नरेन्द्र तोमर का बड़ा बयान !
iii. Sunday curfew shall be in place between 7 PM Saturday to 5 AM on Monday – The movement of individuals for all the non-essential activities shall remain strictly prohibited.
iv. Protecting the Vulnerable-Persons above 65 years of age, persons with co-morbidity, pregnant women, and children below the age of 10 years shall stay at home except for essential requirements and for health purposes.
v. Entry into the State – through fight shall be only on production of a negative RT-PCR of the last 72 hours or a Vaccination Certificate of atleast 1 dose (older than two weeks)
III Movement of Vehicles:
i All types of goods/cargo carriers/ATM Cash Vans/ LPG/Oil Containers/ Tankers/ etc. shall be allowed 24×7 including empty tracks and their inter-state movement on highways.
ii. All movement of medical professionals, nurses, paramedical staff, sanitation staff, ambulances, and others on essential/ emergency duty/ COVID 19 duty including police, magistrates, fire, electricity etc. shall be allowed 24×7
2 राज्यों की सीमाओं में आधा-आधा आने वाला रेलवे स्टेशन
iii All Public transport including taxis and cab aggregators, buses and auto- rickshaws shall be allowed between 5AM – 7PM subject to maximum 50% capacity, Taxis past 7 PM (during curfew hours) may be used by passengers only for emergency purposes and bona-fide transit
iv All vehicles/ persons in bona fide transit (inter-state inter-district) travelling via Air/Bus/Train etc. shall be allowed to pass but only after due verification of point of origin and destination
IV. Gatherings:
i There shall be a complete ban on social / religious /cultural / political gatherings except for weddings/ cremations/ funerals which shall be regulated as below
a) Weddings:
1. A maximum gathering of 20 is allowed.
2. Curfew timings shall be applicable.
3. Wedding gatherings of over 20 persons may be allowed subject to social distancing norms (2 gaj kii doori) upon permission from area-SDMs upto a maximum limit of 50 persons.
4. COVID Monitors shall be appointed by Event Organizers and their names shall be prominently displayed. They shall be personally responsible for ensuring adherence to COVID Guidelines of Gol and Gop.
b) Cremations/Funerals:
1. A maximum gathering of 20 is allowed
2. Curfew timings shall not be applicable.
3. Gathering of ever 20 people upto a maximum limit of 50 people shall be allowed after prior permission from area SDMs.
c ) Persons who have attended any large gatherings anywhere shall mandatory home quarantine themselves for 5 days and get themselves tested after this period.
V. All Shops can remain open between 5.00 AM-6.00 PM subject to the following
i COVID Monitors shall be appointed by Market Associations Mall Managements etc and their names shall be prominently displayed. They shall be personally responsible or ensuring adherence to COVID Guidelines of Gol and GoP.
ii Restaurants/Eateries can open-only for home delivery and take away 9PM-but no dine-in on all 7 days. Both management and customers shall be held liable for violations if any.
iii Services provided by self-employed persons such as electricians plumbers, IT repairs, etc. shall also be allowed
iv Exempted from Sunday curfew
1 Essential Shops i.e, Food, Groceries Milk, Medicine etc.
2 Restaurants, Eateries (For Home delivery)
3. Small shops inside gated residential societies which service local needs.
4. Liquor vends
VI. Industries and industrial establishments: All categories of industries are allowed to operate in both Rural and Urban areas.
vii. Construction activities: All construction is allowed in both the Rural and Urban areas.
viii .Agricultural , horticultural, animal husbandry, veterinary services are allowed without any restriction.
IX .Private Office
i. Allowed to open without any separate permission. But in order to avoid crowding and congestion only 50% staff shall be called at any given time.
ii Work from one should be encouraged by heads of all offices.
iii During curfew hours, concerned staff /employees on essential duty can travel to and from work only on production of their ID Cards Misuse will invite strict penal action.
iv COVID Monitors shall be appointed and their names shall be prominently
displayed. They shall be personally responsible for ensuring adherence to COVID Guidelines of Gol and GoP.
v. Regular Vaccination and Testing – All Private Offices should ensure that their staff/ employees are vaccinated and tested regularly-preferably every 2 weeks. Any person showing symptoms should be asked to isolate and tested immediately.
x . Government Offices:
i. Shall avoid public dealing except in emergent cases and that too preferably through digital means.
ii Heads of Departments/ Offices should ensure that their entire staff gets vaccinated.
XI. Other Exemptions-The following categories of persons/ movement for stated specific purpose is permitted without any Curfew Pass;
i Persons dealing with (with Official ID):
1. law and order/ emergency including executive magistrates
2. police personnel, military/paramilitary personnel in uniform
3. health and pharmaceuticals
4. electricity, telecom
5. water supply, sanitation and other municipal services including garbage collection, cleaning etc. (these shall include those private Agencies put on duty with Valid Duty Order)
6. Government employees put on essential duty/ COVID 19 duties (with Valid Duty Order by Head of Department). It is clarified that these include employees of Government of Punjab/ UT of Chandigarh Haryana on duty in or outside the district.
ii Vaccination and Testing Camps for COVID and to and fro movement to the nearest such camp.
iii Heath Services personnel such as Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and all other Staff shall also be allowed to attend duties on production of ID Cards from their respective institutions-Government (eg. PHC, CHC, PGI, GMCH etc.) and Private
iv. Media persons with accreditation and recognition (pink and yellow panes) issued by the Government (Punjab/ Haryana/ UT/ Gol).
v. Aviation and related services (airlines, airports maintenance, cargo, ground services, catering, fueling, security, etc.)
vi Workshop/Service catering for automobiles
vii.Operation of Brick Kilns.
viii.Units/establishments selling industrial materials including raw materials,
intermediaries as well as units/establishments engaged in export and import activities
iX. Activities/establishments related to fisheries such as fish, meat and its products including supply of fish seeds.
x .ATM’s to be allowed 24*7
xi. Activities of Manufacturing industry, Commercial & Private establishments and services given below including movement of all their employees/workers and vehicles carrying them upon production of requisite permission from their employers:
1. Telecommunication, Internet services, broadcasting, and cable
services. IT and IT enabled services.
2. Delivery of all essential goods including food, pharmaceuticals medical equipment etc. through E-Commerce
3. Petrol pumps and petroleum products, LPG, petroleum and gas retail and storage outlets, coal, firewood, and other fuels.
4. Power generation, transmission and distribution units and services
5. Cold storage and warehousing services
6. Private security services
7. Farming operations by farmers and farm workers in the field.
8. All Banking/RBI services. ATMs, Cash Vans and cash handling/distribution services.
XI Restricted Movement Curfew Pass shall be issued on behalf of the undersigned by
the ADM/SDM or another officer authorized – hard copy or e-pass.
XIII. SOP/National Directives/ Advisories:
1. Social distancing and Wearing of Masks Social distancing i.e. minimum 6 feet distance (do gaz ki duri) for all the activities shall always be maintained. Wearing of masks by all persons in public places, including workplaces etc. shall be mandatory and must be strictly observed and enforced.
ii. All concerned to follow the advisories as may be issued from time to time by the State Health Department
3. These orders shall not apply to Containment Areas – already declared earlier, and any others declared from time to time-where a strict perimeter control shall be enforced
and movement of persons shall be prohibited, except for essential services.
4. Any violations shall invite criminal proceedings under the relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.