If you are waiting for any parcels delivered by Canada Post, you might want to come up with a backup plan for the holiday season.
The strike last month has still been causing delivery delays.
The Canada Post has declared that they think they have about 6,000,000 parcels are still not delivered and in order to meet those demands, they have hired 4,000 extra staff and have arranged for 2,000 extra vehicles.
Canada Post is saying that they may not get all of the packages delivered before Christmas.
Now package delivery is a very big business for Canada Post as they shifted to e-mail packer parcel delivery became increasingly important.
In fact, last year parcel delivery creased about two billion dollars in revenue and accounts for about a third of Canada Post business.
Not only are there concerns for people expecting packages but Canada Post is looking at a weaker bottom line by not getting all of these packages out.
In addition, Canadians are having fewer ways to get their packages delivered with the closure of the Greyhound bus routes west of Thunder Bay, Ontario with no alternate reasonably priced way to get your packages delivered.
It is getting harder for Canadians to make sure those packages will be under the trade.
-Harleen Sandhu