Ludhiana: The Change of Land Use (CLU) for the much awaited Hi-Tech Cycle Valley project has been approved by the Department of Housing & Urban Development Punjab, besides the Social Impact Assessment (SIA) has also been completed by the Department of Economics & Sociology PAU, Ludhiana. The Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation (PSIEC) is in the process of developing world class State of Art Hi-Tech Cycle Valley in an area of 380 acres at Village Dhanansu of the district.
Deputy Commissioner Mr Pardeep Kumar Agrawal informed that the project would involve an estimated expenditure of about Rs. 500 crores which include Rs. 120 crores as the cost of land. Out of the total expenditure of Rs. 50 crores may be received as a grant under MIIUS of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, GoI and balance expenditure would be met by way of sale proceeds of plots Corporation’s fund/loan from financial Institutions.
He further informed that the 380 Acres of Panchayat land has already been procured at a cost of 120 crores. He stated that this cycle valley would have one of the best infrastructure, including Internal Concrete Roads, Water Supply Network based on both tube wells and canal-based supply system including water treatment plant and Automation system, Common Effluent Treatment Plant & Solid Waste Management, Stormwater Drainage and Sewerage System, Rain Water Harvesting System, Electrical Sub Station, Providing HT/LD, Networking including Automation system, High Mast lighting, Cable TV, CCTV, Telecom system compatible with PSPCL/BSNL requirements etc.
The Hi-Tech Cycle Valley project would have Convention cum Exhibition Centre, Transport Hub and Warehousing facility, Banking, Commercial and Health Services, School, Crèche, Rest Area for women workers, Police post, Canteen/Restaurant, Bus Stand, Dormitory for labour and drivers, Skill Development Centre etc.
The Deputy Commissioner informed that the layout plan has already been finalised by PSIEC and approved by Plan Approval Committee. He said that for the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Clearance, PSIEC has already submitted the application with PPCB and the EIA approval is expected soon. For the extraction of groundwater by way of installation of deep tube wells at the project site, approval is required from the Central Ground Water Authority, which is also expected soon.
Mr Agrawal informed that the process for appointment of Consultant for planning & designing of infrastructure services has already been initiated. He further stated that the area development is likely to be taken in hand during February 2019 and basic Infrastructure amenities shall be provided by December 31, 2020, whereas other amenities for eg. Fire Station, Convention Centre, Exhibition & Auditorium etc are planned to be completed by June 2021.