CHANDIGARH In a major reformist move towards ending clamity of manual cleaning from state, the Punjab Water Supply & Sanitation department has operstionalised a project of advanced robotic cleaning of sewerage. Robots will be cleaning sewerages in state from now on. Disclosing this here today, Water Supply & Sanitation Minister Razia Sultana stated that the project would be started from Sri Muktsar Sahib on the sacred occasion of Maghi.
90 प्रतिशत हिन्दुओं को नहीं पता कैसे मूषक बना, भगवान् गणेश जी का वाहन ||vehicle of lord ganesha…||
In the first phase, the hi-tech robotic machine ‘Bandikooto’ designed by Jenrobotics company of Kerala would commence human-free sewerage cleaning in Sri Muktsar Sahib which would save employees from dangers of big problems caused by physical cleaning of sewerages and by exposure from toxic gases. Besides this, the speed of cleaning work would increase manifold. Besides guarding those involved in physical cleaning of sewerages from fatal infections emanating from manual cleaning, this advance practice would also ensure permanent freedom from Desilting also.
‘फैटी लीवर’ से कैसे पाएं छुटकारा, Dr. Joginder Tyger ने बताए घरेलु उपचार fatty liver
This innovative technology would also enhance self esteem and pride of all those workers and officials engaged in this task, the Minister further added.With this the Punjab would become seventh state in the country to adopt this technique with Sri Muktsar Sahib becoming the first district in state, the Minister said adding that the two machines of Rs. 90 Lakhs each worth each would bring much needed updation in this is too big and difficult task of sewerage cleaning.
अगर है आपको Uric Acid, तो होगा ठीक। नहीं है तो कभी नहीं होगा, पर कैसे सुनें Dr. Joginder Tyger से
These carbon-bodied Robots are water proof and equipped with sensors to retrieve toxic gases inside pipes and would be able to work deep into the water levels. These have been designed as per human needs and with a view to assist our workers and are easy to operate.