SAS Nagar, April 28, 2021
Taking emergent measures in wake of a steep rise in number of COVID cases and mortality in the District and to avoid a situation of further spread in the community it is necessary District Magistrate Girish Dayalan has under Section 144 of Cr.PC issued orders whereby Curfew shall be in place in the entire district from 6 PM to 5 AM on all days(Night curfew) and from 6PM of every Friday to 5 AM of every Monday (Weekend curfew).
Besides, all bars, cinema halls, gyms. spas, swimming pools, coaching centres, sports complexes shall remain closed. All restaurants shall remain closed for dine-in with home delivery allowed up to 9 PM. All shops (including those in malls and Multiplexes etc.) to close by 5 PM every day.
पुरानी टी. बी. (Tuberculosis) भी हो सकती है इस तरह ठीक.. || Dr. Arun Sharma ||
The orders state that all private offices including service industry allowed to ‘work from home’ only. Bare minimum Staff involved in critical operations (such as maintenance etc.) shall be allowed with Curfew Passes issued by GM, DIC.
There shall be a complete ban on social / religious / cultural / political/ sports related gatherings except for weddings/ cremations/ funerals which shall be regulated. For Weddings, a maximum gathering of 20 can be allowed; Curfew timings shall be applicable. Moreover, every gathering of over 10 persons will require permission from concerned SDM.
For Cremations/Funerals, a maximum gathering of 20 can be allowed; Curfew timings shall not be applicable and will not require permission. But, Persons who have attended any large gatherings anywhere shall mandatorily home quarantine themselves for 5days and get themselves tested after this period.
The Public transport (buses. taxis autos) shall be restricted to 50% capacity. All weekly markets (such as Apni Mandis) will be closed.
ऐसे बढ़ा सकते हैं प्राणवायु स्तर (Oxygen Level) || Dr. Prataprao Deshmukh ||
However, to ensure essential goods and services and bona-fide movement of people for the same, the following categories shall be exempt:
i. Persons dealing with (with Official ID):
a. law and order/ emergency including executivemagistrates
b. police personnel, military/ paramilitary personnel inuniform
c. health and pharmaceuticals
d. electricity, telecom
e. water supply, sanitation and other municipal services including garbage collection, cleaning etc. (these shall include those private agencies put on duty with Valid Duty Order)
f. Government employees put on essential duty/ COVID19 duties (with Valid Duty Order by Head of Department). It is clarified that these include employees of Government of Punjab/ UT of Chandigarh/ Haryana, on duty in or outside the district.
ये ग्रह बनाता है इंसान को लीडर जानें आपकी कुंडली में कितना प्रभावी है यह ग्रह ?
The Vaccination and Testing Camps for COVID and ‘to and fro’ movement to the nearest such camp.
ii. Those especially issued a Restricted Movement Curfew Pass by the DM / ADM/ SDM or another officer authorized in this behalf.
iii. All vehicles/persons in bona-fide transit(inter-state/inter-district)travelling via Air/Bus/Train etc. shall be allowed to pass but only after due verification of point of origin and destination.
iv. Heath Services personnel such as Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacists, and all other Staff shall also be allowed to attend duties on production of ID Cards from their respective institutions – Government (eg. PHC, CHC, PGI, GMCH, etc.) and Private.
v. Operation of Manufacturing industry– Employees and labour shall be allowed to travel (to and from work only) on production of ID Cards issued by the concerned industry.
vi. Construction Activity and labour engaged in such construction activity in both urban and rural areas.
जुत्ती पंजाब दी चूँ चूँ करदी है … || Punjabi Jutti ||
vii. Hospitals, Chemist shops and ATMs shall be allowed to remain open 24×7 – This shall be ensured by Civil Surgeon, ZLA and LDM respectively.
viii. Shops for Essentials: Shops dealing in essentials like milk, dairy
vegetables, fruits etc. These shops can open during Weekend, but Curfew timings shall be applicable.
ix. Media persons with accreditation and recognition (pink and yellow passes) issued by the Government (Punjab/ Haryana/ UT/GoI).
x. Manufacturing and inter-state transport of essential supplies i.e.fooditems,fruits, vegetables, dairy products, medicines, medical equipment, LPG, POL, animal feed etc.
xi. Manufacturing of packaging material for essential goods (givenabove)
xii. Vehicles carrying/ engaged in:
food items such as vegetables, groceries, eggs, meat etc.
b. green and dry fodder for animals and poultry, piggeryf eed.
c. ATM CashVans
d. LPG
e. Oil Containers/Tankers
f. Home/ Door-to-Door delivery of milk, vegetables, medicines, and food items only including hawkers, rehris, milkmenetc.
xiii. Agriculture/ Allied activities including:
a. Farmers/ farm labor going to work in field – to cut perishable vegetables, fodder or to harvest/ sow crops.
b. Farm operations machinery including Combines/ Harvesters, machinery and transport vehicles for carrying the farm produce.
c. Operation of custom hiring centers in cooperative and privates ector.
d. Operation of flour mills and milk plants and dairies.
e. Sale of seeds, fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides.
f. Operations related to food procurement by Government agencies including railways.
g. Operations related to PDS (Public Distribution System) under NFSA.
xiv. Banks: Though during weekends, no public dealing shall be allowed and Banks shall be open only for servicing the supply lines of essential services& emergency transactions.
xv. Activities related to Animal Husbandry, Veterinary services and supplies
i. Home delivery services by e-commerce portals such as Amazon, Flipkart, Swiggy, Zomato, Markfed etc. (allowed up to 9 PM)
xvi. Maintenance of Zoo, Nurseries,Plantations
xvii. Aviation and related services (airlines, airports. maintenance, cargo, ground services, catering, fueling, security, etc.)
xviii. Power
a. generation/ transmission and distribution
b. operation of power plants including renewable energy stations, solar power, hydro power, biomass/ biogas etc.
xix. Operation of Brick Kilns
These restrictions shall be applicable until further orders.
All concerned shall observe COVID appropriate behavior.
Any violations shall invite criminal proceedings under the relevant provisions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 and the Indian Penal Code, 1860.