Chandigarh, October 1
Urging all the vehicle owners in the state to get HSRP (High Security Registration Plate) affixed on their vehicles ‘without any delay’, Punjab Transport Minister Mrs. Razia Sultana today said that Transport department has increased the High Security Registration Number Plates affixation centres from 22 to 82 for the convenience of the people of the state and this service would be continued for the next two months.
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Despite of COVID-19 situation, the Minister said, more than 5 lakh vehicle owners have applied for affixation of HSRPs and approximately 4.25 lakh vehicles have been affixed with High Security Registration Plates. This has been possible with the introduction of the online booking system and Home fitment service, she added.
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Keeping in view the response of the vehicle owners this service would be continued for the general public for the next two months so that remaining vehicle owners get their High Security Registration Plates affixed, said she, adding that the owners of the vehicles may take online appointments through an exclusive website www.punjabhsrp.in or by downloading mobile application.