Canada – In a major crackdown on drugs, the Regional Peel Police has recovered and seized narcotics worth more than 25 million dollars in months long investigation of a criminal group.
The accused criminal group allegedly used commercial trucks to import drugs across the border. Police released details of “Project Zucaritas” in which the detailed amount of seizures is disclosed. Police said total of 383 kgs of cocaine, methamphetamine and Ketamine had been seized. The market value of the total drug recovered is estimated to be dollars 25.25 million.
Deputy Chief Nick Milinovich said in a press conference at Peel Police Headquaters in Mississauga the police is committed to erase organised crime and tighten noose of all type of criminal activities that target our communities.
He further said ” It is a priority for our service, our community, and we will not tolerate criminals who profit by preying on people in our community and using those profits to finance other criminal activities.”
He said that “Project Zucaritas” began in November 2021 to investigate a trafficking ring that extended across the Greater Toronto area. Police told the meaning of Spanish word Zucaritas in English is sugary cereal. And this label was on some of the drug packagings.Drug peddlers put different labels on different packagings so that they could organise the packets and identify the same too.
Police said they have came to know about different drug traffickers in the last 11 months of investigation.
To dismantle the group, Peel police’s Specialized Enforcement Bureau collaborated with U.S. Homeland Security Investigations in Detroit and Chicago and the Border Enforcement Security Task Force in Buffalo.