Chandigarh: Under the visionary leadership of Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited has successfully met its all-time highest ever power peak demand of 14,295 MW on August-22, 2022 thereby surpassing its previous demand achievement of 14,207 MW recorded on June-29, 2022.
Overall increase in energy supplied is also up by 12.87 % from April till date as against 2021. – 33,242 MUs viz-a-viz 29,452 MUs.
Disclosing these details, Power Minister Harbhajan Singh ETO, said that peak demand of PSPCL is observed during the end of June month or start of July month due to high temperatures and initial high irrigation demand of paddy plantation. But this year due to prevalence of comparatively dry weather conditions, the peak demand in the state has continued till end August.
He further said that in August till 22.8.2022, PSPCL has successfully met a rise of 6.57% in power demand viz-a-viz last year i.e 6,316 MUs against 5,927 MUs during the same period.
PSPCL has also made additional arrangements of power through more banking from other states and allocation of 1300 MW additional power from Central sector. During the month of June & July, PSPCL has arranged 2,836 MUs through banking from other states which is 130 % more in comparison to last year i.e 1,234 MUs. He said that this year with the optimum utilization of the available resources and close monitoring of the energy generated from the generating stations, Hydro Generation of PSPCL has been increased by 3% from last i.e 1715 MUs viz-a-viz 1664 MUs. Notably, Ranjit Sagar Hydro Power Project has achieved its all-time maximum generation of 149.55 LUs in a single day on 22-08-2022 which surpasses its previous maximum generation of 149.02 LUs on 28-08-2019 since the date of its commissioning.
He said that PSPCL is supplying regular 8 hour supply to Agriculture Tubewells without imposing any power cut on any other category of consumers.