Chandigarh, September 2
Keeping in view the interest of the students, the Punjab Sshool education department has extended the last date for application under various scholarship schemes till September 16.
आज़ादी, गांधी की देन नहीं है…हजारों झूले थे फांसी के फंदे पर || Veer Savarkar ||
Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the school education department said that Pre Matric scholarship for other backward classes (lth to 5th), Pre Matric scholarship for other backward classes (6th to l0th), Pre Matric scholarship scheme for SC students and others (Components -l), Pre Matric scholarship scheme for SC students and others (Components -2), Encouragement award to SC girl student for pursuing lO+2 Education, Up-gradation of Merit of SC Students scheme, Attendance scholarship to SC Primary Girl Students scheme and Attendance scholarship to BC/EWS Primary Girl Students are to be given to the students.
इंसानी शरीर पर होता है आठ हजार बीमारियों का हमला। बचने का सिर्फ एक उपाय सुने Dr Amar Singh Azad से
According to the spokesperson, the last date for submission of online applications for scholarships has been extended till September 16. The districts would then approve the applications and send online data to the state from September 16 to October 4. According to the spokesperson, the District Education Officers, School Heads and Principals have been directed to forward the data after verification.
-Nav Gill