Chandigarh, October 25
Punjab school education department has directed to set up electoral literacy clubs (ELCs) in all schools of the state to sensitize the students about the right to vote and make them aware of the election process.
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Referring to the Punjab Education Minister Mr. Vijay Inder Singla’s insistence on using every opportunity to uplift the intellectual level of the students, a spokesperson of the school education department said that through the activities in these clubs the students will be informed about the election rights, election process and registration of elections beside essay writing, poster making and slogan writing competitions about democratic rights will be conducted .These clubs will be based on students from IX to XII grade. A nodal officer will be appointed at the school level for each club.
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According to the spokesperson, the IX class would be given activities on the importance of elections, Indian electoral system, features of Indian electoral system, Election Commission, functions of Election Commission, electoral process, types of elections and role of opposition parties in elections while the activities for the X class will be based on subject likes, Indian election procedure, composition of Election Commission, functions of Election Commission, public mandate and role of Opposition parties. Likewise, activities for XII class will be conducted on subjects like electoral system, methods of elections, functions of the Election Commission etc.
-Nav Gill