Union Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers Shri Bhagwanth Khuba addressed a media conference to dispel the rumors about fertilizer shortage in the country. Terming them as false and baseless, he requested farmers not to believe the rumors of fertilizer shortage.
Speaking at the press conference at Vikasasudha, Shri Khuba said, “Complex fertilizer use has been increasing in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and parts of Karnataka in past two years. Farmers in the state will benefit if they adopt complex fertilizers. Complex fertilizer gives better results than DAP. This is why the government is recommending the purchase of complex manure instead of DAP.”
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He said that there are rumors in certain quarters that there is going to be a fertilizer shortage in the country and farmers should collect enough fertilizer for the next four months. He said that such allegations are false completely baseless. “As the Minister in charge of the Department of Fertilizers, I assure farmers that they will be made available the amount of fertilizer they require”, he added.
Shri Khuba said that “The production of nano urea has increased this year. Production of nano DAP will start from next year. 22 lakh metric tonnes of urea is available in the Karnataka. Rabi Season needs 2 lakh metric tonnes of DAP, which will be produced. We have taken action in two factories.” The Union Minister added that Monsoon season has seen the good rainfall throughout the state of Karnataka and 78.51 lakh hectares of land has been sown.
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“The supply of input material needed for sowing has been adequately addressed by the state. Arrangements have been made to supply fertilizers to the districts as a share of the central government”, he stated.