New York: Medical science has made great strides around the world. This is the new news. In fact, for the first time, American doctors have succeeded in transplanting a pig’s kidney into a human body. Now the lack of human organs for transplantation in the human body can be met. This is the first time that a successful kidney transplant has been performed on a human being.
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Although many such experiments have been done before, the body’s immune system does not accept external organs and the transplant is not successful, but this is the first time that a pig’s kidney has been successfully transplanted into a human body. And the body has also successfully absorbed it.
In the entire testing process, NYU in New York City At Langan Health, a pig was tested and its genes were first mutated so that the human body would not reject the pig’s organ.
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The pig’s kidney was then transplanted into a brain dead patient. According to doctors, the brain dead patient’s kidneys had stopped working completely and family members had also given permission for the test before the life support cyst was removed.
The doctors said that the pig’s kidney was attached to the blood vessels of the human body for 3 days and when successful results were seen, the kidney was transplanted. According to the United Network for Organ Sharing in the United States, there are currently 10,7000 people around the world waiting for an organ transplant, and there are about 90,000 people who just want a kidney transplant. It takes an average of about 3 to 5 years to get a kidney transplant.