Chandigarh : The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB), during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state, on Tuesday arrested Baghirath Rai, former president of Municipal Committee Sunam, Sangrur district on the charges of embezzlement in the government funds.
Disclosing this here today a spokesperson of the VB said the Bureau has conducted a through probe into the misappropriation of funds in the MC Sunam. During the investigation it was found that Baghirath Rai prepared fake bills pertaining to repair of his official vehicle. In addition to this he had not properly implemented the prescribed advertisement policy in the MC as instructed by the state government during his tenure for two times thereby caused a financial loss of about Rs 4 lakh to the state exchequer.
The spokesperson further added that in this regard a case under Prevention of Corruption Act has been registered at VB Police Station Patiala and further investigation is under progress.