SAS Nagar, 11 June
Social and religious organizations are making significant contributions in the war against Corona, for which the Punjab Government is grateful to these organizations for coming forward to serve the humanity.
Stating this the Health and Family Welfare Minister. Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu here at Mandi Board, where Sant Nirankari Mission handed over 100 Oxygen Concentrators and 1000 Oximeters to the Health Minister for Punjab Government.
इम्यूनिटी बढ़ाने के लिए कितना जरूरी है वायु स्नान (Air Bath)
On this occasion, Mr. Balbir Singh Sidhu said that the Punjab Government was working tirelessly to defeat Corona under Mission Fateh-02, under which various social and religious organizations were providing various medical supplies and also helping in the vaccination campaign. He said with the inspiration from such organizations, other organizations and individuals should also step forward to contribute in the war against corona.
Mr. Sidhu said that in order to prevent corona cases, it was important to follow all the precautions related to corona like wearing mask, frequent hand washing and social distance. Moreover instructions issued by the Punjab government must be followed to curb this epidemic.
कैप्टन के शहर में सिद्धू ने किया बड़ा धमाका कैप्टन भी है हैरान
He said that the government had imposed the restrictions for the benefit of the people. By following these, people can assist the Punjab government in defeating Corona.
He said that the Punjab Government was conducting a massive vaccination campaign. People must go ahead and get vaccinated without believing any rumors. This vaccine was completely safe. He also said that whether the third phase of Corona would come or not but the Punjab government was completing its preparations.
On this occasion, Political Secretary to Health Minister and Chairman, Marketing Committee, Kharar Mr. Harkesh Chand Sharma Machhli Klan, Civil Surgeon Adarsh Pal Kaur, Joginder Singh Sukhija from Sant Nirankari Mission, Secretary Sant Nirankari Mandal Delhi, Sukhdev Singh, Chairman, Center Planning Board Delhi were also present.
Caption: Health and Family Welfare Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu at Mandi Board, where Sant Nirankari Mission handed over Oxygen Concentrators and Oximeters to the Health Minister