Ottawa: Initially commenced in France, the Yellow vest protest have also reached Canada. Many people are protesting against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government’s tax and immigration policies were arrested on Saturday.
It is worth noting that these protests had first started against the fuel tax imposed by the French Presidential Emmanuel Macron’s government and now this protest has reached in the fifth week.
But these protests took violent forms and so far eight people have been killed in the riots in France.
Similar protests are going on in Belgium, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom since last several weeks.
But this protest arrived in Canada on Saturday.
These protests were seen in Saskatoon, Toronto, Moncton, New Brunswick, Calgary, Halifax, and Edmonton.
A group of local protesters gathered in Maritimes opposite Halifax City Hall.
Meanwhile, Trudeau’s carbon tax was primarily criticized.
Protestors outside the Downtown Kerby Center in Calgary took a big rally.
Craig Chandler, the CEO of the Progressive Group for Independent Business (PGIB), said that since all this started in France, all of them want to do the same.
Meanwhile, in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square, near-about 60 protesters gathered and protested against carbon tax and immigration policies.
-Harleen Sandhu