Newsdesk – Canada is going through a tough phase, if unemployment is talked. At present , Canada is at its lowest rate figuring 5.1percent.
The job vacancy rate has gone upto somewhere 80% which is calculated as record high and government is coming up with several polices to invite suitable applicants for hirely from all over the globe.
This problem has emerged due to aging people whose retirement age is nearly. According to a data, one worker out of five working people is reaching retirement age.
This impact is so serious due to low birth rate in women and that cannot help as replacement to produce new working potential against vacant seats.
As per a study , Canada needs new hirings and immigrats in trade and manufacturing sector. There is 13% labour force in hospitality industry and food services, 11 percent in professional services sector, 10 percent in manufacturing and transportation sector.
The work permit holders in Canada has jumped from 111, 000 to 770,000 over the past 10 years. These workers are working in low skilled sector as food services, accomodation, administration and support, etc.
As many as 67percent of the economic immigrants to Canada were international students or former work permit holders. The figures have increased in international students obtaining permanent residency in past one decade.