Chandigarh, 20 to 30 January 2020, to resolve the disputes of consumers of the punjab state, the National consumer disputes prevention commission will hold the sitting of the Circuit Bench.

अगर आपने कर लिए इस ज्योतिर्लिंग के दर्शन तो समझो हो गए 33 कोटि देवताओं के… || jyotirling ||

Today disclosing this here, the commission will hold 12 day long Circuit Bench at third floor in the office of the Chandigarh Consumer Disputes prevention Commission, Plot No.5-B, Sector 19-B, Madhya Marg. Chandigarh, an official spokesperson of the commision said.

किस भीष्ण प्रतिज्ञा ने, देवव्रत को बनाया भीष्म